Monday, January 31, 2011

Still on Day 4...but plans change!!

So, I blogged earlier that after dinner we would be heading upstairs to vacuum and clean Brookie's room..NOT!!  I just couldn't resist the urge to write that we got caught up watching a sappy "Hallmark" dvr'd movie..UGH!!  It was actually the sweetest story ever, but given our current status of a "deployed" soldier..probably not the best move.  It had Blake and I in tears (but you all know to never repeat that last part..nor are you aloud to ever bring it up  Anyway, I wanted to write this because this is the story of my life at the present moment..the best laid intentions is what I always say!!  But I will honestly take a "Hallmark" movie hunkered down with my kiddos and a few tears over cleaning up any day...even if it does make me "happy"..just thought I'd share...nighty nite!!

Day 4..and I am still blogging..good times!!

Ok, so I must admit it was a mucho better day!  Although..confession time it sure didn't start off like that!  Both kids were complaining of tummy aches, my head was hurting again and I didn't think we were going to make it out the door, but lo and behold I had them both out the door and to school on time!  My rule..if you are not throwing up, you have no are going! I know that must sound a little mean..and I do realize that there are times when you really just don't feel well, but I know my kids and the signs were pointing to "let's try and con mom into letting us stay home" off they went!  The rest of the morning/day has gone pretty good!  I ran some errands, got the Iphone switched to my digits, picked up my MWR discount card (surprisingly VERY easy to do..go ARMY), made our Tax appt., then came home and cleaned house!  I know it sounds crazy, but cleaning and organizing makes me feel "happy"!  Oh and btw..when I picked up the kids from school they both had great days and feel just I can say "I told you so"..:)  Anyway, dinner is cooking..then we are off to finish the upstairs..vaccuming and cleaning the storage room and Brooklynn's room!  I am at a loss for how to organize all her little "things", pet shops, barbie pieces & don't forget the polly pockets..OMGoodness she is worse than Blake with his legos and she does have a ton of bins!!  I will conquer her room..I can promise you just may take longer than I anticipate!! Oh well, at least tonight we will get it started!!  So for today, I can say that we are all feeling better and that is SO POSITIVE!!  :)..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 3...

So, we finished yesterday off with a nice dinner here at the house with my parents...then we were off to "Cosmic" bowling..that was some serious fun.... Dad was 1st, Blake 2nd, Me 3rd and Mom last..guess we need to do some work on our!! Blake decided he would rather go home with my that left me "alone" for the first time!  To be was actually quite nice..well at least better than I thought it would be :)!!  I slept in today and woke up feeling refreshed, but then as the day went on it just seemed to get quite gloomy. I think it was the headache that started early on..that never really went away and the pit in my stomach (caused by many things I assume)..I realized that I still haven't fully adjusted to "him" being gone and that was adding to my frustration. The kids were tired and a bit cranky I must confess, so you can see where this was headed!!  Not even a trip to the movies and some more play time with friends could cure.  After being home for about an hour or so..the phone rang and it was my hubby...awww that put a big ol' smile on my face, but after talking to him for a bit I felt the sadness creeping back in..he is missing us something fierce (to which I say DITTO) and you could here it in his voice, which makes this whole thing so much harder!  I tried to be strong on the phone, but he knows me and I know he could sense something.  This is the hard part!!!! All I can say right now, is that tomorrow I am vowing to wake up on the right side of the and press on!  I have to get my kids back on track..keep my head up and press on for all of us..even when it's hard and I don't want too! :)..I wish this post was way more uplifting, but I said in the beginning that I was going to be honest and today unfortunately it was just one of those days..."hopefully" tomorrow is better :)..until then 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 2....up and adam we are up and adam on a BEAUTIFUL Saturday morning!  I am so excited to report that he called read that right he called and woke me up this morning (btw..I don't care about being woke up..when it comes to him  Anyway, he is doing good..not all the way to his location yet, but will be there in a few days!  He sounded good and seemed to be in pretty good spirits..just very, very tired I imagine!  Can I tell you how much better I feel now...WOW..and this is just the 1st of many phone calls to come!  I didn't end up going back to down the stairs I went to make my coffee :)..if you know me, then you know that it's the first thing that happens in my!  Once I at least get the first couple of sips..I start to feel so much better..guess that may be a little mental, but it's all good!  Anyway, I relaxed for a few minutes then got busy getting things done around the house..which btw I feel so much better enjoying the afternoon now that it's all done..funny how that works.  Guess my hubby and my Mama may be right on that one..but you didn't hear that from me..just sayin'.  Blake woke up later than normal this got him ready..made him some breakfast and before 11 am..the friends were knocking on the door to come and play..gotta love post livin'..I am truly impressed!!  He has been out in the 60 degree weather playing all day..can we say LOVE it!!  My parents are heading here around 5pm and I am making them supper..then we are heading to "Cosmic" Bowling..should be fun...I must confess Day 2 is looking much, much better..stay tuned <3

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 1...making it through the day!

So this morning was I knew it would be...but the bright spot was a delivered Starbucks from my Mama..a phone call from my Daddy to check in on me.. a LONG hot shower (did I say LONG..I ran out of HOT water kinda long..LOL, another cup of joe, a few chats with my girlies and a trip to Walmart..who knew that could pep me up..but it did!  I guess it's the little things sometimes that keep you going!  The kids are doing great...excited for what this weekend will bring...hopefully some play time with friends...maybe some bowling..who knows!  Oh yes and did I mention that I GOT A MESSAGE from my hubby (you gotta love FB)...I got home from picking the kiddos up from school and saw I had a new email...yippee!  I just can't wait to hear his voice on the phone and to know that he is ok..then I will be able to relax a bit!!'s just Blake and I...nothing like some Mother and Son bonding over a movie & ice cream to soothe the soul..thank God for these moments is all I have to say!!  Until tomorrow....nighty night :)

The Goodbye

Ok..well it has officially begun!!  I was just reading some messages on Facebook and one of my FRG friends posted this "we have awesome Jedi skills in our Army wives handbag" and I had to laugh..kinda cry but mostly laugh because it's so true! Even in the darkest moments we must all find the humor or we won't make it!  It's the quiet moments...when the kids have been shuffled off to school that I will sit here alone and try to find the moments that make me smile..goodbyes are never easy, but when you have to say goodbye and pray that you get to say Hello again that's the even tougher part!  I know that GOD will protect our soldiers while they are away at war and that is how I will choose to survive this deployment!  I have Hope!!! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

365 days of deployment: And so it begins....

365 days of deployment: And so it begins....: "So today we are chillin out..watching movies, relaxing as a family and getting ready for the inevitable..UGH! How can one day seem to ..."

And so it begins....

So today we are chillin out..watching movies, relaxing as a family and getting ready for the inevitable..UGH!  How can one day seem to stretch so so long!  It's not that I want this day to end, but walking around the whole day knowing that it's the last day for the next 6 months is quite sereal I must say!  So here is the question for the day???  How do you say goodbye for that long without falling apart inside?  I mean really, how many times can we say "I love you", "I'm gonna miss you" and all the other things that pop into your head while you are mossying around the house all the while trying to put on the "face" of this is just a normal day..LOL!  I'm truly stumped!  I am "seasoned" spouse, but for some reason I just can't face this again!  Well..let me take that back..I CAN face it..I just don't want to!!  There I said it!!  Ok..well..I'm off for now..gonna try and savor every moment, hug & kiss the bagebbers outta my man while I can..muah..and stay tuned for more...from the likes of me!! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Here we go..again!

First of all..allow me to introduce myself!  My name is Nichole and I am a military wife/mom!  I won't say where we are stationed, but you can know that my hubby is deploying so this is the purpose for me starting this blog.  I am what they call a "Seasoned" Army spouse..what a term right??  What this really means is I have been around the block a few times and I have "survived"!  As I sit here preparing myself, my kids and family for what is to come, I am reflecting on all that has happened this past year.  I wanted to take this year to try and capture what "really" happens when he is not here!  So, I thought..keep a blog starting from day "1" and see where we are at day "365"..the changes in the kids, myself and my hubby should be pretty amazing!  I hope to take you on a journey..with me of prepared though..I will be brutely honest..the good the bad and the ugly are bound to come this Mom's journey from being in a dual parent partnership dwindles down to being a single parent!!  The sad reality is that this is our reality!  Uh-oh..did I say that out loud??? day one is sarting soon..stay tuned!! :)  Hope you all enjoy the journey!