Friday, January 28, 2011

The Goodbye

Ok..well it has officially begun!!  I was just reading some messages on Facebook and one of my FRG friends posted this "we have awesome Jedi skills in our Army wives handbag" and I had to laugh..kinda cry but mostly laugh because it's so true! Even in the darkest moments we must all find the humor or we won't make it!  It's the quiet moments...when the kids have been shuffled off to school that I will sit here alone and try to find the moments that make me smile..goodbyes are never easy, but when you have to say goodbye and pray that you get to say Hello again that's the even tougher part!  I know that GOD will protect our soldiers while they are away at war and that is how I will choose to survive this deployment!  I have Hope!!! 


  1. You got this girl! Call me if you ever need me... day or night, no matter the time!

  2. Amen girlie!!! You inspire me. Always so positive. That is the way to do it, with HOPE!!! :O)
