Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 14 & 15....

Let's just start by saying that...I NEED A VACATION!! I know that must sound a little bold this early on in the deployment, but I really felt like saying that right now!  Day 14 & 15 have been kinda rough to be honest!!  I love my little munchkins to pieces..but as every mother I am sure can relate..I need a break!! Snow/no school days are a booger..especially when your best friend is flying in to town in oh, I don't know 2 days!  If you know me...a little or at know that I will COMPLETELY clean my can tell me not too, say it doesn't matter and I am sure part of me agrees...but it's just not in my nature to let things go..or say oh well..this is life.  I will probably kill myself getting it all done..just to then be able to!!  I know I am weird...but I have always been like this and I am sure I always will be.  The funny thing is..once my company arrives..I really don't care much what happens to the's all in the presentation ya know!! that brings us back to yesterday and today..WOW!!  I finally went a little postal on my kids (let's all remember that at the beginning of this journey I said I would be brutally honest) was NOT a good trip to the commissary and I had flat out just had it with bad attitudes and the spoiled behavior!!  We climbed into the car and they got the "speech"..with a bold promise that this would be the last time I am having this all know it won't be, but hey I felt good saying it at the time! Anyway, I calmed myself down (don't worry I had already apologized for loosing my cool)..we had dinner..then off to their rooms they went..I unloaded groceries, cleaned the kitchen up, vacuumed the family room, started laundry and loaded up recycling..whew I am tired again just writing that..ha ha!!  The surprise of all this is..they actually stayed up there playing and didn't come down until they were called..I had the timer set for 45 minutes..then reset it for another 15 and it worked.  I figure that from here on out..preferably before I lose my mind..I will be setting the timer and sending them off to their rooms for a break!!  Let's just remind you that my children are 10 & 7 and I am thinking...WHY haven't I done this before..or at least on a more consistent basis??  So for tonight...all is calm in the house..they are sleeping...I am heading that way...and we WILL make it through another day..I promise!!  Thanks for letting me Vent it all out!! xoxo

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 9-13...yep I forgot again!!

So day 9-13 have been interesting to say the least (might be why I forgot to, Saturday & Sunday were spent out at my parents house so that is my ligit reason for not blogging :)..throw in that Saturday night around 10 pm ish my Dad and I got in the car and headed back to C'ville to the Hangar to say goodbye to MB1 that was making their departure to the country we will not mention!  He had really wanted to be there when Ry left, but with the timing of it all and being that it was a "normal" work day for him it just wasn't possible..this was the next best thing!!  It was really great for him to be able to see how it all works, meet all of my peeps in the Army and to witness the process in which we "all" say goodbye..quite humbling even for me!  Then we made the 45-50 minute drive back to their house and finally went to bed around 2 am ish..whew what a night! Dad took the kiddos out on an adventure aptly known as a "trip down into the woods on a 4-wheeler" with Peepa, some snacks, water & tp (just in case)", Mom and I hung out, cleaned the house and got some food ready for "Super Bowl Sunday"...then we just chilled for a bit!  Their neighbors brought over some "pulled pork" and we feasted...can you say yummo!!  Then right around game time I loaded up the kiddos and we headed back know it is just not the same watching a football game without my hubby it was a school night! 

So we are around Monday time frame...and I was thinking it was just another day..boy was I started off a bit know how Monday's can be...waking up is hard, getting in the car is hard..and so on and so get the point!  I came home with all intentions of getting the house picked up, making beds etc., I started preparing all of our tax paperwork (had a scheduled appt. @ 1pm), filling out as much as I could ahead of time..and just as I was going to take a shower...the school calls and says that the kids are being released early...ummmm WHY I say to's barely snowing and they aren't even calling for much snow!!  Now at this point we can all laugh...because as the story goes will see that we ended up getting 4 inches of snow maybe more in some spots and it was definitely a good thing that they were let out early, in retrospect that is!!  There were several accidents due to the weather..some of which included buses!!  We made it home just fine (you gotta love a VW all wheel drive car) for situations like this..and boy do I!!  Anyway, so we get home and just start to settle in...I am busy cleaning little things around the house (my BFF Jamie is coming on Saturday)..and I make it to Blake's room to start dusting around 4:30-4:45 ish..and I am really getting into it..then the POWER goes out..yep..too much fun!  I will make a long story very, very short..we had the power out until around 8:30-8:45..on a very COLD night!!  We of course, tried to make the best out of the situation and since the roads were fine..we headed out to grab dinner..ate it by lantern light (battery operated of, watched a movie on the laptop and just got comfy cuddling on the couch with mass o blankets..and poof the power comes back on..then off for 20 more minutes...then on again..then off again...then FINALLY on get the!  It was a day to say the least!!

Today...has just been one of those "snow days" that I really wanted my hubby to walk in the door around 5 ish and just take over...but since he's not...I guess I just have to really pull up those big girl panties and move hasn't been a terrible day..just long is all...then the school calls and cancels for tomorrow due to impending weather and you just kinda wanna scream..instead I think we will watch a movie, paint our nails (Brooke and I of course...Blake might run screaming if I tried) and get them in bed early so I can have a break while I drink some wine.."good times"!!  So until tomorrow..and yet another snow day....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 7 (whoops I missed it) & Day 8

So in my defense..I had a sick boy come home from school yesterday and I was a little thrown off for the!!  I did intend on sitting down to write, but ummm life happens..and I'm not sure about other moms of boys, but when my Blake is sick..he needs his Mommy..poor baby!!  It was a pretty good day...don't really have anything to share other than I ran some errands and went to the commissary..woo hoo!!  Actually, I was expecting a mad house when I pulled into the parking lot, but to my surprise it wasn't all that crazy inside (for those non-military friends)..the commissary is crazy around payday :)!!!  Now on to Day 8...well I kept Blake home feeling is better safe than sorry.  I am not sure exactly whats going on, but he has had a low grade fever since last night...and hopefully it's just a case of the yuckies!!  Today is officially one week down!  I can't for the life of me believe how quick that went by, but if it is any indication of how this deployment is going to go..then I am totally in!!  There is another round of boys hitting the airways this weekend and my Dad and I are going to be heading to the hangar to say goodbye and be safe!!  Actually, I'm kinda glad to have the first week over because I will be a better support to my girlies who will be in my shoes soon enough!!  Staying busy (not too busy) is the key!!  Finding fun things to do, planning trips with the kiddos, going shopping with friends or my Mama, lunching with friends or going to see a movie, heading to the gym for a great morning workout...these are a few of my favorite things!!  Anyhow..nothing major going on around here this weekend..some light cleaning and organizing..then we are off to my parents for the Superbowl Sunday party at their house..should be fun!!  Hope you all have a great weekend....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day's getting better

It's getting better day by day and I am feeling stronger too (do I dare admit that a little retail therapy helped lift the!!  Truth be did lift my spirits a little today..I didn't go crazy or anything, but I did snag a cute jacket at my fav (Old Navy 1st-4th Military appreciation 10% off) and stocked up on some bath/body hand pump can't beat the 6/20 my boy 2 pairs of new shoes, a cute top and a hoodie all on sale, got my daughter a darling pair of slippers (which she so loved) a cute hoodie and cute sneakers too!  Again I didn't go crazy..just had a little fun!  Let's not forget the his liter & food at he is stocked!  Now on to my hubby..I have his first list of what we call "wanted items" I will be shopping for him tomorrow and filling that box to the brim!  On another note...we were sitting down eating dinner watching a movie and I got a text msg from my man...I almost fell!  He finally got his cell phone over yonder and was testing it out..I'm sure that those 3 txts will cost a fortune, but honestly I really don't care..that was the coolest!! I will be calling AT&T in the morning to find out what costs are involved for the international plan so that we can continue texting for sure..oh yea..then he called as well...what a great end to the day!  Tomorrow is gonna be busy as well, but tomorrow night we are finally going to sit down as a family and create our "responsibilities board" and the "house rules poster"..I'm wondering what the kids are going to think??  Should be fun or at the very least enlightening :)  Off to bed I go.....xoxo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day, blog, blog, blog, blog

Let me just start by saying how much I "LOVE" long lines..NOT!!  So, this morning my besties & I headed down to our local PX to get in line for Ron White/Rascal Flatts tickets.  They are coming this month to the Grand Ol' Opry for a special military show (right around the time my BFF is traveling to visit me from OR) and I thought how perfect!  I said to biggie..I will just meet my girlies down there..we will stand in line for a bit..get our tickets and be out...ummm can you say NOT.  We proceeded to get in line around 8:40 and we didn't leave until 12:40..yep you read that right...4 lovely hours of standing in line to get our lovely "free" tickets..and the best part of all is that we didn't actually get the darn tickets...we have to go back on the 14th to pick them up..UGH!!  Can you say F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-I-N-G!!  There was lots of drama..with how they split up the line, lots of people that were not happy and you just had to feel bad for how it was all handled!! Lesson learned!!  Anyway, moving on...we left, grabbed lunch and came back to my house to sit and chill (btw it was well!!  Then I was the bank, pick up the kiddos, run Blake to his tutoring appt., run to walmart, then home to fix dinner..whew..I am tired just typing this..get the kids in the shower, finally clean Brooklynn's room and we vacuumed the upstairs..I feel so much better..especially after slacking last night for movie!! All in all it was a fantastically great day and I am thankful that the days are "getting better" I have said before it's the little things sometimes!  Stay tuned..for more fun times with the Dechent thing I can say (and mean)..there is never a dull moment around here..xoxo