Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 2....up and adam we are up and adam on a BEAUTIFUL Saturday morning!  I am so excited to report that he called read that right he called and woke me up this morning (btw..I don't care about being woke up..when it comes to him  Anyway, he is doing good..not all the way to his location yet, but will be there in a few days!  He sounded good and seemed to be in pretty good spirits..just very, very tired I imagine!  Can I tell you how much better I feel now...WOW..and this is just the 1st of many phone calls to come!  I didn't end up going back to down the stairs I went to make my coffee :)..if you know me, then you know that it's the first thing that happens in my!  Once I at least get the first couple of sips..I start to feel so much better..guess that may be a little mental, but it's all good!  Anyway, I relaxed for a few minutes then got busy getting things done around the house..which btw I feel so much better enjoying the afternoon now that it's all done..funny how that works.  Guess my hubby and my Mama may be right on that one..but you didn't hear that from me..just sayin'.  Blake woke up later than normal this got him ready..made him some breakfast and before 11 am..the friends were knocking on the door to come and play..gotta love post livin'..I am truly impressed!!  He has been out in the 60 degree weather playing all day..can we say LOVE it!!  My parents are heading here around 5pm and I am making them supper..then we are heading to "Cosmic" Bowling..should be fun...I must confess Day 2 is looking much, much better..stay tuned <3

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